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Showing posts from September, 2010

Multi-tasking well and setting your priorities

I'm trying to keep to a schedule of 1 blog a week but it is hard, especially with the type of multi-tasking society we have become. I have a young family and am focusing my energy on them instead of blogging or spending time on social media like twitter or facebook. I do have time during my daily commute to work to ponder on some topics for my blog but I think those are the only times I'm willing to invest on this. I have to ditch my smartphone however because it isn't helping with my priorities. Here is a great article by Tim Sanders on time management advice for blogging . Great read. I do need to concentrate on what's important to me in order to do well and I'll do that after I send out this update :). Kyle and I are watching Barney before he goes to sleep.

The hunt for a preschool or daycare

We took Kyle over to his first ever Strong Start program help at a local Elementary School. This program is a ministry of education subsidized (free) daycare for 2-3 hours and is similar to storytime at Guildford library. Its not quite like preschool because no teaching programs are offered and not quite daycare because a caregiver/parent has to be there with Kyle. They do have private preschools but for a fee. We looked at two other privately held preschool and am currently comparing prices. One of the preschools we saw was at a home at Morgan Creek area and they charge $19/day for preschool. Another one we looked at was $110/month for twice a day, at a church but this is in a group setting with as many as 60 kids. Not quite comfortable with that yet because I think Kyle may need to start out with a smaller group. I'm also looking at the Child Care Subsidy application forms to see if we can qualify for that. We may be able to save a few by doing that. Anyone have experience with t